Selling Your Book by: Sandra Puckett
You’ve finished writing your book…published it…and now hold a copy of it in your hands. Gazing down at the book bearing your name, an overwhelming urge to pinch yourself emerges from deep within. You can hardly believe that you’ve done it. You’ve written and published your very own book. What an accomplishment!
You take a deep breath. Now what do you do? How do you let potential buyers know about your book?
Search for websites and stores that will list your book for little or no fee.
Look for: Sites that sell books
Sites with similar topics as your book
Sites for writers and authors
(For sites that don’t state that they will list your book, email them and ask if they will. What can it hurt to ask? All they can do is say no.)
Search the web using: Free ads
List your book
(and similar keywords)
List your book on:
Contact bookstores to see if they’d be interested in shelving your book or letting you hold a book signing. Small local bookstores may be interested in local authors. Small bookstores will be more receptive to your book signing because that will mean free publicity for them. As you advertise your book signing, you will also be advertising their bookstore.
Contact Revelade Publishing ( to have your book placed in their store. Revelade Publishing offers many services for self-publishing writers/authors.
Contact libraries to see if they’d be interested in purchasing your book. (Libraries also accept requests from people who are interested in books that they don’t currently have on hand.)
If you’ve written an informational or how-to book, you can hold seminars.
There are many ways and places to advertise your book. Keep your eyes and ears open, you never know when you may come across one.
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